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3 Ways To Stay Authentic In A Crazy World

I get messages from people telling me how nice and patient I am, and they seem to wonder where I get my energy or inspiration from to stay authentic. Of course, there are days I struggle. Sometimes, I want to activate “operation mean mode” but to what end? I ask myself.

The truth is I am deeply rooted in my Christian faith which compass my actions, thoughts, behaviour. Here are three insights I want you to have for you to stay authentic in a crazy world. 

1. Think eternal: 

Rich Warren, in his book "A purpose-driven life," made mention about thinking eternal. I find this very valuable because the moment I remind myself about the eternal consequence of some earthly actions, mehn!!! I retrace my steps and do what is right. 

Indeed purpose realigns your choices.

Sometimes we forget that we are on a temporary journey. We think we will be on earth forever to enjoy all the riches we got despite the ways we attained them. 

I try not to live carefree because I sure know this wouldn't last forever. I try to caution myself each time I perceive a fast pace that isn't right. 

What we appreciate here on earth will determine where we will spend eternity at the end of life. 

Where do you wish to spend eternity?

2. Understand that life is beyond you: 

No doubt, we love social acceptance. We hate to be judged, and we want to be loved. We hate neglect, and we want connection. 

Some connections aren't healthy, we know it, but we keep it because we think it's pure gold. The real gold is staying true to what we value and believe in the most. 

We are called to love, not to be loved. We are called to serve, not to be served.

Some people get to exhibit toxic selfishness which increases their anxiety, depression and hunger for more. You are different, you can set yourself apart.

How to set yourself apart;

  • Giving without measuring.

  • Showing up every day for the world without keeping a record of your attendance.

  • Sharing your knowledge and skill only with the expectation that it will make the world around you a better place.

3. Let your light shine brighter the darker it gets: 

The COVID restrictions not only showed us the true nature of man, but they also exposed the content in the heart of man.

The light shines brighter the darker it gets. Shinning bright in today’s crazy world is doing the opposite of what you consider as darkness.

Your light is needed, don’t look at another person to shine their light when yours isn’t shining bright. Your light will spark others because it takes just a spark to start a wildfire.

Be that spark.

What are the contents of your heart? 

That's what makes you authentic in a crazy world. 

Wrap up

Approach this week from an authentic standpoint, thinking eternal, living beyond yourself and letting your light shine brighter by nourishing the content of your heart. 

Stay awesome guys. 

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