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7 Unimaginable Reasons Why Good Guys Attract the Wrong Partner

There are many reasons as to why this social mathematics usually doesn’t favour good men. Most times, good men are the ones who set themselves up for this inevitability.  

I have witnessed the failures of a good man. The best thing was that I had my hands tied to my pen, noting down every lesson and teaching myself how to transcend these natural laws.  

I evolved into who I am today due to the repetition of painful patterns I decided to break. 

No good guy ever wants to end up with the wrong partner. However, their behaviour, attitude, mindset, and psychology hinged on their personality to attract the wrong partner. 

No doubt it is a mystery only to those who have no idea why this happens. Let's look at seven (7) unimaginable reasons why good guys attract the wrong partner. 

1. Good guys are moved by beauty rather than character

If you want to know who fantasizes the most among the male species, it is the good guy, not the bad guy. They are fantasy machines.

A beautiful woman is a ticket to their soul. They wish she would love them and care for them the same way it plays out in their enchantment imagination.

They easily fantasize about any girl as the one and pressure themselves to get her regardless of what it might take. Surprisingly, they are bold in making some badass steps, just that the boldness is misapplied.

They don't know that it is the character that makes someone beautiful.

Beauty fades, the character remains - Major Pane

They feel like their goodness will rub off on their partner, causing them to be good in the long run.

This enchantment is like the headlight and a deer. Good guys can't see beyond the beauty. They fear if they offend her, she will leave them.

Unfortunately, this perception will make a good guy ignore all the red flags because he is so hooked on this ideal image that doesn't seem to exist in reality.

2. Good guys hardly learn

They hardly learn from the toxic patterns that are right before their face. They enjoy giving excuses for people's bad attitude, thinking that they are doing them a favour. 

They believe the more they treat people nicely; people will automatically treat them nicely. 

When they get wrongly mistreated, they believe that the person will change over time. 

Good guys don't know that before a relationship starts, he sets the standard; this will determine what the relationship will be in the future. 

Wrong partners are very good at using this standard against good guys because when they get more comfortable exhibiting their nasty attitudes, they don't get called out. 

Good guys are more emotional than being logical. It is the default state of being. However, this blocks cognitive functionality that makes a man process things rationally.

The state of emotions is fluid, they come and go, and if it is the vehicle of a man’s life, they will mislead its passenger.

Women, no doubt, are emotional beings who can sometimes manipulate their way through words and actions. Wrong partners will create storms out to a calm day.

Good men cannot bend the storm hence why emotional men (good men) fix problems instead of addressing problems which changes the relationship forecast to a chaotic tornado.

Good men don’t have enough processing power to compute these complexities resulting in a system shut down.

3. Good guys mismanage Faith

While Faith is a Heavenly currency, respect fear. That’s another level of wisdom- Major Pane

Good guys don't understand why they need to fear their future if they meet the wrong woman. 

They usually think that everything will be well even if they pair up with the wrong person.

They lack understanding about how vital building themselves to attract the right partner is to them and their future. 

Good men can be very apologetic to their accomplishments and seek validation/approval to win some more (this was me some time ago)

Faith isn't just a feeling that all will be well but an intentional action to walk on the right path with or without a partner.

A faithless man surely attracts a fearful partner. If she is faithful, her faith will drop after a while because she mirrors his attitude.

A fearful partner who lacks the attribute of faith would;

  • never see your potentials

  • never believe in your grit

  • never encourage you to do more

  • always compare you with your peers

4. Good guys pride their good attitude

Of course, we have to be confident about who we are but not blinded by pride that we are too good

Self-righteousness birth pride. Pride creates problems.

Too much pride in a good attitude can lead to being treated like a fool. 

Good guys say words like "I am so good, I want to treat people nicely all the time, or I want to make everyone feel good all the time." 

We know you making anyone feel good isn't all about your action but their attitude towards your good behaviour.

Why are you treating anyone well? Is it because you want to be exalted, or is it that you don't have the proper definition of being nice? 

The superior belief is hard to get by because they don't want to be called bad guys.

Watch this video: Be Nice on Purpose.

5. Good guys forget they have the choice power

Good guys throw out the window the power of choice. They see a woman as a price that needs to be rewarded or given to them for being such a good good man. 

The same way a woman would take her time to choose a man she knows will protect, comfort and provide for her, her children, most importantly, the same way a man needs to recognize his choice power. 

But good guys never realize they have this power. The moment they realize this power, they begin to carry themselves differently. 

Sadly, not many get to explore this aspect of masculinity as they already give up before the battle begins.

6. Good guys somewhat have a scarcity mindset

They believe that good women are scarce and they will never attract the right woman. 

When they fantasize about a particularly beautiful woman, lack the courage to approach it tactfully. They go all in and at once with full force. When it doesn't work out, they beat themselves like they lost something precious. 

They feel if they are too stern, firm on their values, beliefs, it will chase the one away.

They are ignorant about the law of abundance, which states that “there is more than enough for everyone, including partners.”

Scarcity mindset causes them to settle for just anyone even though she isn't treating them as well as they desire.  

7. Good guys mostly ask the wrong questions

Regularly, they ask, how can I get the right partner? Why isn't she interested in me? What can I do to grab her attention? These questions produce shallow answers.

Profound answers can are gotten by asking the right person the right questions. 

This alignment leads to progression action on the right path. 

Sometimes, all it takes is just a spark to light up the whole forest of being a unique man. 

I am going to give you the tools; you will be the one to create the spark. 

See this content in the original post

Wrap up

Being good is not enough. Everyone desires a good man, but not everyone is deserving of a unique man. 

I will be talking more about what Unique masculinity is, how it differs from Healthy masculinity and how you can achieve it. 

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