New immigrants need mentors to help them attain confidence, clarity and build community

Newcomer Mentorship

Are you a new immigrant man ready to attain confidence, clarity and build a legacy?

are you a newcomer feeling lonely and wish you could return to your home country? book a call

The newcomer mentorship program is designed to support men new to Canada (months and up to 5 years) to attain mental, financial, emotional, social and spiritual stability during their resettlement.

You are intelligent, goal-oriented, passionate, and hard-working. You were successful in your home country; you had a great community that supported you. 

Since you arrived in Canada, you have started witnessing unforeseen problems such as; 

  • Feeling lonely and sometimes wishing you could return to your home country.

  • Struggling to understand Canadian culture.

  • Lack of the ability to make new authentic friends.

  • Unable to communicate as fluently as those around you

  • Inability to manage your time in a new environment

  • Inadequate values and belief

  • Witnessing financial constraints

  • Unprofessional presence online and offline

  • Lack the ability to attract the desired woman of your choice

You know you are in a better place and got another opportunity to start afresh. You desperately want to make an impact and live the life you desire, but you are unsure how to go about it.

The newcomer mentorship program is designed to support men new to Canada

Inside this exclusive mentorship

The newcomer mentorship offers training and coaching services to give you clarity, boost confidence, and equip you with the tools to build a community. You’ll learn;


The clearer your vision is, the faster you can accomplish your goals and the higher you can climb. To succeed, you’ll need to acquire unfamiliar knowledge about yourself. This new knowledge will show you the potential, strengths and possibilities you have,

In this session, you’d';

  • Establish a new value/belief system

  • Define a clear purpose for your life

  • Set upgraded goals

  • Understand your personality type and modify it


Your fears will surmount if you don’t have the confidence to overcome them. The skills you build today are vital for tomorrow’s challenges.

In this session, you’d;

  • Demonstrate advanced communication techniques

  • Create a dynamic social media presence

  • Undergo professional development

  • Acquire time management skills

  • Attain an enlightened relationship in Canada


You can’t do it alone; you must intentionally build a community that thrives and works effectively and efficiently. We will highlight where you find like-minded individuals, those who are passionate about watching you excel.

In this session, we’d explore;

  • Networking

  • Meetup/social event


Major Pane is not an immigration expert. We are not in any way providing immigration consulting. We don't help people relocate to Canada. All our materials and sessions are based on our unique coaching experiences, materials and available immigration resources.

Kindly visit your immigration consultant for that.