Half Of The Year Has Passed, Scale-up With These Secrets

Photo by Keegan Houser

Photo by Keegan Houser

Wait a minute, is it June already? "Oh no, I must be dreaming." What have I achieved this year? It's just six months to go, and I still haven't achieved this and that.

Does that sound like you?

The year didn't just fly without your knowledge. You knew when January passed, I saw you celebrate February, you sent me a happy new month in March, I noticed your post in April about that birthday cake, and oh, just last month, you were hanging out with your pals. I have a picture.

Here are three secrets I have used to get myself to achieve a lot within 6months of the year, and I have the next six months to smash without remorse. (Nah, not that movie)

1. Accountability (partner)

Photo by Armin Rimoldi

Photo by Armin Rimoldi

How often do you feel guilty when you don't meet up? Do you feel any sense of remorse? Do you feel disappointed in yourself?

I dont know about you, I do. When I don't meet up the way I intend to, I not only caution myself but create a pathway to do better. Not because I am a coach, I figured out this secret early in life and acted on it.

Holding your actions, your failures, your wins accountable is the game-changer. It is like you have an invincible supervisor on your ass scoring your performance.

Ever thought of having an accountability partner? These are people who have your best interest at heart and will push you into doing the things you are scared or lazy to do.

They are often in need of a similar push, so partnering up makes things more interesting.

In an upcoming article series, I will write on the perks of having an accountability partner and how to get one.

2. Cry every time you don't take action: 

Yes, you heard me right. I had a friend who wanted to buy a PlayStation 5 (if you see or know where I can buy one, please let me know). I told him to save $50 every paycheque; after 12 paycheques, he would get $600.

Imagine if he had started saving $50 since January? There are primarily 2 (two) paycheques every month if the paycheque is Bi-weekly and sometimes 3 (three) paycheques a month depending on the pattern of pay. 

I wanted to support him with $100 if he had started, meaning he would have approximately $800. 

The same applies to your goals or the actions you refused to take. One drop of action is what moves the mountain. 

Pushing a mountain at once will break you but moving one stone at a time moves the entire mountain. 

Imagine the mountains you would have moved if only you took action. The next mountain is before you, act now.

3. Look inward: 

I know many of you are looking for someone to help you, but you fail to understand that many folks plate is full as everyone has their problem.  How often do you look inward?

You are capable of many great things. You just might be playing small because that’s all you know. How about you upgrade by starting something and meet people halfway to assist you in completing your goals and projects. 

Once you make up your mind that you are alone in this, you will buckle up, look at distraction dead in the eye and get things done.

Wrap up

It's easy for us to point fingers, blaming others, society and systems for our problems. We fail to understand that these systems were bound to fall for us to rise. These small steps lead to outstanding results.

Imagine a world free of problems? I can't unless we are in Heaven. As long as we are still here on earth, understand that you are the solution to some of these problems. The world is counting on you.

There will never be Heroes if there are no villains. You are the hero. 


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