Here is How to Beat the Algorithm
My wife and I got talking recently about Instagram algorithms lately. We live in the same house, but I rarely see her posts unless she tags me on them. She shared this post, "How to best the 2022 Instagram Alogrithm" with me, which enhanced our conversation and inspired this post.
Before now, I had this weird feeling about the competitive nature of specific social media platforms, especially Instagram, as they are pushing multiple functions, expectations and behaviours for both creators and consumers.
Instagram used to be the lounge of social media where the Big Boys/Girls chilled until they started opening shops there, and it has become a marketplace. (not bad for real)
Today, how we take pictures has changed. Almost everyone desires to be the next fashion star or the best cinematographer.
Oh boy, there are alot of great talents out there, and social media just made us realize;
how much of a beginner we are in our skills
how far back we might feel we are in our journey of life
how unimportant we might think we are
Lost, ignored, rejected, lonely... to crown it all, no likes or comment on your post except one generic comment from "xe" (the account with no posts, no profile picture)
I don't know if you are one of those like myself who don't have thousands of social media fans, probably because you started late or because your content isn't for everyone. There is nothing wrong with that; I had you in mind while writing this article.
I'm grateful I started afresh from 0 followers and 0 posts about 3years ago because it made me learn a million things I am currently using to teach my current Digital Media Cohort in my 9-5.
My life as a Digital Media Mentor
A couple of months ago, I made a video stating that I am adding a Digital Media Mentor to my title and I would be rendering that services.
I got attracted to becoming a digital media mentor long ago when I had my previous blog Newton Paul's Blog.
I published about 334 articles within the span of 4years or so.
I watched my writing skills improve from 0 to hero. Sometimes I go through the articles and wonder, "under what influence was I when writing this"
That blog opened more doors I couldn't imagine opening. It highlighted the skills and career opportunities and taught me a million things about digital marketing that I get to practice now and teach others.
These ideologies have kept me focused, consistent and caused me to enjoy the journey.
I'm going to be letting you in on these ideologies. See below for how to beat the algorithm.
Don't let the algorithms stop you from living purposefully.
Don't let the algorithm dictate how you should show up
Don't let the algorithm change your personality
The algorithm doesn't care about you.
Care about yourself.
How transparent is the algorithm?
Today, the algorithm controls most people, what they do, and how they should think, transforming them into minions because of likes and views.
The more you encourage it, the more you lose yourself.
The algorithm can decide who it wants to favour, and sometimes it can prefer just 1%. Many end up stuck like a hamster, thinking the wheel is moving forward.
Here is a quote from the article above.
SparkToro and Followerwonk's estimates say around 19.42% of all active Twitter accounts are likely spam or fake accounts, based on a sample of 44,058 random accounts.
The two groups said it's not unusual for prominent or large Twitter accounts like Musk's to have a high number of fake followers. For example, SparkToro's follower audit tool says that nearly half of the followers on President Joe Biden's Twitter account are inactive, fake, or spam accounts.
This makes me shake my head when I notice how controversial some topics can be. We don't know how many fake campaigns have been created and supported by fake accounts or bots.
A shortcut can hurt you.
How to beat the algorithms
1. Create an alternative platform apart from a social media account.
Ancient wisdom rocks. Thriving industries are utilizing ancient wisdom to operate in the 21st century.
You need more than a social media account, depending on why you are online.
Websites, podcasts, newsletters, and publications are still the go-to for enhancing your brand, business, etc. At the same time, social media are channels for sharing the created content and tools to engage with your audience.
If you are serious about business, you deserve a website where you can host all your files and portfolios, blog on your experiences, embed your social media post and much more.
You deserve to have a podcast where your brand can have a voice and speak to your audience.
A newsletter can still be very effective. I have seen YouTubers who don't have a website but can reach their subscribers and beyond with Newsletters.
You can do so much with your website that you can't do with your social media account. The fantastic thing is that your website contents are the seed that grows over the years.
These platforms will favour you in the long run.
2. See your contents as a seed:
If your intention for being online is to go viral, it will affect the quality of what you post and how you post.
Putting pressure on yourself somewhat disrupts your creative juices and makes you be just like everyone else despite the unique things you have to deliver to the world.
I sometimes noticed that creating unplanned and impromptu content gets the most engagement.
Someone out there needs your heartfelt post that will likely not go viral. 2years from now, someone will come across it, and your post will be the answer to their multiple questions.
What seed (content) are you going to plant today?
This post is a seed, it will grow someday. You reading it right now will utilize these lessons and impact your life positively.
3. Use the algorithm to build a character:
Major Pane at Distillery District
Earlier, we saw that the main desire of many people online is to go viral. Going viral isn't an issue, but what do you intend to do with being viral?
What character do you have that can sustain your fame? Shouldn't your goal focus on maintaining it?
Maybe we have been looking at social media from the wrong lens. Instead of desiring to be perfect, how about taking it as a learning platform wherein you have infinite space to learn, practise, and unravel yourself.
Are there people who have benefitted and made money from this shapeshifting algorithm? Of course, yes, and who knows, you might be next.
There is a character you need to unlock to be a better creator, to attract opportunities offline and online, to balance your life, and be an authentic influence on your community.
Some folks care more about their online personality than their offline personality, which creates an imbalanced character. I always encourage my clients to ensure both worlds sync.
4. Live purposefully:
A man on a mission is unstoppable. Algorithm or not, when you are doing what you are called to do, you might feel compelled to do things better, which is expected but giving up isn't an option.
People who quit and feel bitter about their social media campaign lack purpose and clarity about their business/life.
I am on a journey of creating 100 powerful blog posts and podcast episodes this year.
Wrap up
Sometimes we forget that we have an unstoppable force within us, "our life purpose."
Algorithms can only hinder your reach, but they cannot impede your impact, worth, essence, and you.
Before letting you go, I hoped you could use these words to reflect.
Not everyone will go viral
Not everyone will like your post
Not everyone will be interested in your post, even if you go viral.
Someone is waiting for you to show up today so they can have a better future tomorrow.
So suck it up and do what you are called to do. Live a purpose-driven life.
To those of you who are staying consistent, pushing forward either night or day, either algorithm or not, I salute you.