How To Get An Accountability Partner
So you got the drift on 4 perks of having an accountability partner in my previous article, and you are curious about how you can get yourself one.
I asked a question two days ago on my LinkedIn account to see what my network had to say. Here is a quick snapshot of what they had to say about having an accountability partner.
Click on Image to read full comment. Visit Raise Bamigbade LinkedIn Profile
Click on Image to read full comment. Visit Danielle Ash LinkedIn Profile
Based on their comments, I came with these golden nuggets;
Not everyone needs an accountability partner.
Some people do not need you to hold them accountable. You can use them to keep yourself accountable if they agree to become your accountability partner because they are generators of accountability. (Julia Pazamandy inspired this).
People need an accountability partner for different reasons.
Accountability partnership can be professional or personal (depending on the parties involved)
Access your reasons for having an accountability partner.
Just because you are reading an article doesn't mean you can go ahead to have a partner.
You need to be crystal clear about why you need one before starting looking out for who will make a great duo with you.
Bear in mind that some people want to feed off your achievement, which is complimentary, not competitive. You have to be ready to give them something substantial in return for their time.
Do you have substance?
That substance is your progress.
Click on Image to read full comment. Visit Alpha B. Timbo LinkedIn Profile
Steps you need to take before you get an accountability partner;
1. Arrange your life
Remember the third point, “Look Inward,” I mentioned in this article, "Half of The Year Has Passed, Scale Up With This Secrets."
Accountability partners can play the role of a coach if approached properly. But remember that they are also hungry to smash their goals as well. You don’t want to be the water that will quench anyone's fire.
Obtain a resounding mindset to hit the ground running on your own before you get one. This way, you compliment each other.
2. Investigate
Ever stalk someone online before? I mean, if you have the right reasons, why not. If the ideal person you want as an accountability partner isn't in your friend circle, nothing hurts by investigating an idea person who fits the type of partner that you desire.
3. Engage potential partners in the right conversations
It is one thing to have a conversation. It is another thing to have the right kind of conversation. I have spoken with some folks, and later on, we develop this unique bond that ushers in accountability.
When you find that perfect person, you can use this conversation sample to introduce accountability partnership to them.
Conservation Idea for accountability partnership;
Lately, I have been working on waking up early, but it has been a struggle. I set my alarm at 5:00 am but end up putting it on snooze. How do you deal with getting up early? Is this something you are battling with also?
Would you want to be my accountability partner on waking up early? I think we will both benefit from this. What are your thoughts?
Depending on the response, you can then proceed.
Things not to do when you have an accountability partner
I. Approach random folks about becoming your accountability partner; just because you know about the perks of having one doesn't mean they do.
II. Give personal information if you arent comfortable sharing it. It depends on the type of accountability (professional, relationship, religious). It's all up to you and the person you pair.
III. Pair with someone whose values aren't aligned with your overall goal.
IV. Judge someone for submitting 0 scores.
V. Don’t force anything on anyone. It’s a mutual thing, not a personal thing.
Things to do when you have an accountability partner
I. Cook up an expectation frame: What are your expectations as you two are going into this partnership. You both have to be crystal clear so you can hold each other accountable.
Expectations include;
style of accountability
time to report back with goal score/frequency
II. Set a deadline for the partnership: Everything comes to an end. Better you create the end than the end creating itself.
III. Support each other like your life depends on it: Today, you might be the pilot, tomorrow, you might be the passenger. Don't think every day is going to be a sunny day. Hang on and save this flight.
Wrap up
Again, accountability partnership isn't for everyone. I will advise you to do deep research about it. If this is something you think you are interested in or send me a message, let's talk.
Let me know your thoughts.