Masculine Redesign: Steps to Becoming a Sweet Wine
Major Pane fresh watermelon juice.
Society didn't get to where it did today without your help. We all collectively or actively contributed to the current accomplishments, advancements, and issues seen in the world today.
Our micro-influencing lifestyle results in massive outcomes that we often complain about.
Complain is very cheap, but action is costly.
When was the last time you saw someone complaining about maltreatment a guy is giving to his girlfriend, yet the complainer is going home to hurt his very own partner?
Did you call him out for hurting his partner? Yet, you two might sit and have a fully served conversation about how the other person mistreats his lady.
Multiply this perception across different sectors. You'd realize that we all are guilty of some of the decline we get to complain about.
The masculine decline is widespread these days. As a society, our social justice warriors are trying to beat down toxic masculinity while toxic feminism is rising beyond the board.
There is a force pushing men to adjust to the new normal not because they dont want to be tagged as "toxic" but because they fear redesigning masculinity.
This new behaviour has made alot of men dilute their personality and uniqueness to fit in.
Letting society teach you how to be a man only makes you less of a man but defining masculinity for yourself gives you a precise definition no one will ever give to you.
The mistake about following the societal definition of masculinity is that societal definition is shape-shifting and constantly expanding to fit different views and narratives.
You can redesign masculinity by setting up a concrete definition of masculinity. You can discover, polish and advance your definition through your core values, golden principles and knowledge of yourself.
Like I said in a post, you can't teach a man how to be manly.
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If you want to become a sweet wine, you have to be; planted, cultivated, harvested, processed and served.
What soil are you resting on at the moment? Every seed requires a specific type of soil to grow correctly. That is because the soil provides nutrients for the seed to grow.
Where you are planted signifies the type of environment you choose to dwell in and the type of people you choose to surround yourself with.
We mirror the behaviour of others and absorb their beliefs as well.
How receptive are you to corrections and directions? Are you the type that enjoys being coached, mentored or counselled?
If your answer is yes, have you reached out to someone to coach or mentor you?
Many men dont understand the importance of coaching, mentorship. They dislike the idea because it gets them uncomfortable and sometimes feel miserable.
They don't understand that gold has to go through the fiery furnace for it to be processed—more reason why many men who aren't cultivated aren't harvested.
Cultivation activates the Four Interior Empires; according to Robin Sharma, the 4 Interior Empires are Mindset, Healthset, Heartset and Soul-set.
You get armed with the proper spirituality, psychology and philosophy needed to succeed.
Many men want to be served but they don’t want to be planted, cultivated, harvested and processed.
When you harvest a man, he gets cut him off from some of his sources of influence. This can sometimes be the season of wilderness.
This season sometimes can either happen naturally, or it can be activated personally through fasting or solitude.
It's at this point, you get tested and tried for what you believe in the most. This is the time you show what you are truly made up of by applying the principles you learned during the cultivation session.
Just like the watermelon, I blended to make a juice. It was the substance within that I am after.
Passing through the harvest phase will then give you a chance to stretch yourself beyond your imagination.
This is the time you realize that all the suffering was worth it. Certain things dont get you upset and disturbed like they used to.
You get launched into the real world, ready to take up issues and handle them with great precision.
You dont freight over things that make other men cower and run crazy.
You clearly understand yourself and arent afraid to speak up, call out negative things and stand up for what you believe in the most.
Wrap up
This article isn't for all men. It is for the few men who want to be different, act differently, and cause a transformational change within themselves and the society they belong to.
Many men want to be served but they don’t want to be planted, cultivated, harvested and processed.
I am excited to share more insight with you as we continue to Unvravel Our Uniqueness.
Let me know your thoughts.