Your Story is Worth Celebrating
Paul Newton at Dixie Orchard
Your story is the most empowering piece in your life. You cannot separate yourself from it.
I see many people angry and stuck about their past, thinking they can separate themselves from it. Unfortunately, our past is what makes our present what it is. We have a chance to rewrite our story if we choose to create an exciting future.
Every day is a new day to re-write your story.
I remember when I lost my dad at the age of 7. It was devastating, unsettling and scary. I questioned how the future would turn out for me without a father. I was assured that everything would be just fine, especially with my mother's strong faith in God.
That faith rubbed off on my entire family, causing us to be fully devoted and rely on God in every area of our lives because, realistically speaking, we had no one, nothing.
Identify the high and low moments in your story to observe what you learnt
This low moment happened to be that one shift in my life taught me how to become a man. I’m grateful despite the hardship. I don’t think I would be writing this article if my life didn’t pan out the way it did.
I feel energized upholding my values I got to establish from that significant experience that has crushed many others. I was able to re-frame my story into what I want it to be. I chose to celebrate it rather than wallowing in shallow emotions that wouldn’t get me anywhere.
God was indeed training me for the other difficulties ahead, the rough dogged moments that will make me question my existence. If only I can push through this, I can push through the other issues.
Use your story to remind yourself about your strengths
You haven't always been weak. There were times you tore mountains from their foundations, shook the cloud with your wings, caused people to awe, or even surprised yourself with amazement.
You aren't empty; you aren't hopeless; you just aren't looking at the right things, that's why you feel down. If only you can look within, look into yourself, your core, you'd find the strength you need to push on. No one will believe in you unless you believe in yourself. It all takes a spark. It all takes you to re-write your story.
Check out: How to face your fears
What stands out from your story?
Today, I celebrate myself for being that amazing gentleman I have always wanted to become. If not for those bad moments, this moment won’t be spectacular.
If what stands out from your story is highlighting that you aren’t doing well enough, you have a chance to re-write your story by doing something different.
Questions for you to reflect
What are the highs and lows in your story?
What are the turning points?
Do you see any pattern?
What lessons were you taught?
What stands out?
How can you re-write your story? What can you start doing differently?
Word of life for you
2 Corinthians 1:3-5 MSG
3-5 All praise to the God and Father of our Master, Jesus the Messiah! Father of all mercy! God of all healing counsel! He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before you know it, he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be there for that person just as God was there for us. We have plenty of hard times that come from following the Messiah, but no more so than the good times of his healing comfort—we get a full measure of that, too.
Wrap up
I know you are going through your story by yourself, but you aren’t going through it alone. You are going through your story for your generation, community, friends, family etc.
Big players in the world have been through a lot, and here they are, letting us know we can do it too if only we own our story, befriend it and share it. Not everyone has heard my story; not everyone has listened to your story. Celebrate your story. I wish you a fantastic week ahead.