Read from the Major Pane Desk
Activating An Irresistible Dominance
There is a desire to be loved, liked, adored, cared for, wanted and needed. The list goes on and on. Interestingly, as you chase this desire, it often eludes you.
You begin to wonder if, truly, it was a great idea chasing after it. Suddenly doubts fill your mind, followed by rage.
What if you are trying too hard. What if you are expecting too much? Take some time to chill in these thoughts.
There is beauty in knowing who you are and staying that way in situations when you aren't recognized, praised or adored.
9-5 isn’t a Curse: Here is what they aren't telling you
Before you quit your job, I want you to know that 9-5 isn't modern slavery. True slavery is the inability to decide where you want to be in the future, either as an entrepreneur or a worker.
It's not everyone's purpose to become an Entrepreneur. Yes, you heard me, and this might break your heart.
Ever heard, "Many are called, few are chosen."
Stay Calm to Get More Done
Ever had someone told you to calm down, take in a deep breath? When your nerves are calm, your creativity sparks. Stress and anxiety eliminate clarity.
Although nervousness might stimulate creativity as well when channelled rightly. To be able to process your nervousness and use it to your advantage, you need to chill.
Purpose Realign Your Choices
We are currently living in an uncertain time. One inevitable thing is the choices we make. They determine the result we get that either evoke happiness, sadness or indifference.
When you define your purpose, you realize that life is beyond the present and more on eternity. This awakening suddenly makes you more aware of your choices.
This awareness can cause you to be careful about approaching issues, especially when folks try to offend you. You quickly seek peace because you can see beyond the present.