While she was sleeping, they walked into the safe house, cleared the first floor with silencers and fibre wire. Leah had no idea they had found her location. She was right in bed with Mitch. 

They climbed the stairs leading to the room. They took their formation, ready for the raid to eliminate the target. 

You are listening to the Major Pane Podcast. The only podcast crafted to guide men like you on unravelling your uniqueness to transform the world around you. 

If you are a lady joining us, feel comfortable to listen as we hope women learn how to build better men through the golden nuggets, we will be sharing and learning. 

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Two significant corporations are after Leah. They are in dire need of the information she has. She is a regular receptionist in a global firm that deals with foreign banks' data.

She came across a strange transaction that involved her boss. She tried flagging it, but he turned her down. He told her to mind her business and leave it for the pros to work on it. 

Another day, she noticed the amount had doubled. Knowing the implication, she tried speaking to her colleague about it during lunchtime. 

They went to a coffee shop, sat close to the window admiring the busy streets. While sipping coffee and talking, a car ran into the cafe knocking her colleague down. 

Leah barely escaped the strike. Her colleague had passed out.

About three cars hurridly arrive at the scene. Men in black suits rushed into the shattered cafe, asking Leah if she was okay. She told them she was still in shock because of the accident. Her colleague laid down on the floor passed out. 

She wondered why isn't anyone helping, why is she the point of interest. 

"Someone call the ambulance," she screamed. While screaming, she got muffled and blindfolded. They tossed her into the backseat, sitting in between two hefty men. Her hands weren't handcuffed but were held firm by these men.  

In partial darkness, she could see through the black cloth. The guy at the front seat, in a foreign voice, said “we got the target”

While he was communicating on the phone, driving as a convoy, there hit a traffic stoplight. The driver in the first vehicle beat the light hopping the two cars behind will follow. 

The second car Leah was in followed the first hoping to beat the light. They got T-boned from the right by a Hummer jeep. The impact knocked off the guy on the phone, the driver and the one sitting by her right.

The third vehicle behind saw what was happening, trying to call for backup. Gunfire rained from the hummer jeep on them. It was an ambush. 

Leah managed to remove the black cloth from her face. She couldn't see anything as the car was covered with smoke. 

The guy on her left was still in shock as he was trying to recover. She used the pistol next to her to whip him on the face; he went to sleep. 

It was a battle scene outside. Shortly the gunfire stopped. 

The wrecked door opened was opened. She saw a handsome man wearing battle gear. His hands stretched towards her. 

Seeing him as her saviour, she reached for him. 

He led her to another vehicle while talking on the radio in a sharp British accent; we got the asset. 

Mitch is a former British SAS force. He took her to a safe house where she would be for the next few days until they got orders to fully extract her for witness protection. 

Mitch's handsomeness was so brutal for Leah to resist. Despite the fear of life and death, fantasy got found.

While she was sleeping, they walked into the safe house, cleared the first floor with silencers and fibre wire. Leah had no idea they had found her location. She was right in bed with Mitch. 

They climbed the stairs leading to the room. They took their formation, ready for the raid to eliminate the target. 

Loud bang; two among the five men went into the room. They fired at the bed, emptying their magazines. “Hold your fire”, they announced among themselves. 

Suddenly one of them screamed. It's a trap. It was a decoy in the bed. 

Mitch and his men, from behind, took out three of the bad guys. The other two got trapped inside the room. 

“Protect the asset”; Mitch told his men. 

Leah wakes up from her dream. None of this is real. She was watching the movie safehouse and slept off midway. 

Now you suddenly understand the tension it feels like to be an asset and, most significantly, protecting one. 

Your mind is an asset. You have something the world is looking for, but there is a real war—distraction, limited belief, depressing statements that's ready any day and all the time to kidnap you and keep you blindfolded from doing the things you ought to do.  

I see you feeling lousy over time for not accomplishing that goal you set for yourself. 

I see you beating yourself for not being able to stand up for yourself when you need to. 

Could it be because you lack the initiative that you are an asset?

When reading Greg Meckwen's book Essentialism, I came across the Chapter "Protect the Asset."

This part describes what it feels like to carry yourself as an actual substance full of worth, value and incredible glory. Therefore you have to protect it by taking time to rest. 

It's a way of doing less today to do more tomorrow. 

When reading the book, I understood that an essential life is a new way of thinking about productivity and life. 

As the medium writer, Dan Silvestre summarizes;

Essentialism is a disciplined, systematic approach for determining where our highest point of contribution lies, then making execution of those things almost effortless.

Bringing this home to unique masculinity and living a purpose-driven life, your mindset is the trunk of your tree. 

The size of your trunk determines how easily you bend to distractions, negative vibrations, unessential activities, and unproductive campaigns. 

The size and strength of your trunk depends on your roots and soil. 

The roots of your tree are the belief system you establish yourself on, while the soil is the influence you permit into your life. 

In my online course, Unravel Your Uniqueness, and my one-on-one program Define your purpose, we get to laser focus and dive deeper into your roots and your soil.

Now, let’s take a look at the roots;


We get to ask ourselves these questions;

  • What belief systems are holding you back? Say what belief systems are kidnaping you like Leah. 

  • Was it someone that made you believe those things,

  • or was it you who established that belief? 

Beliefs such as I am not good enough; I can't amount to anything, I wasn't designed to be successful, I am not talented only make you feel worse the more you dwell on them. 

I get it. You might be confused about how to get out of this.

Absent knowledge shouldn't be an excuse. 

This excuse makes you hurt. It makes you regret not genuinely living your dreams, expressing your passion, upholding your values, and living with intentionality. 


Yes, your dream might be so far to reach, but remember that today was once a dream. While you are focused on that destination, pay attention to the other things that'd influence your dream, such as your passion. 


Passion can be cultivated. It's not everything you are passionate about today that means you will be passionate about it forever. Time, chance, situation and location can change your passion. 

Your ability to stay dogged and firm in building a new passion or polishing an existing passion will make your mind tough.


What value do you live by every day? 

What do you precisely value in life? Values I know are a broad thing, but you can focus on 3 core values. 

Mine is Christ-centeredness, discipline and personal development. 

If, for example, one of your values is to say integrity, ask yourself, 

  • How can I show up to my friends and family with integrity?

  • Am I doing my work with integrity?

  • How can I be known as someone who has integrity?

  • Are there times I didn't live with integrity?

The only way to win is to make the first move by showing interest in establishing a healthy belief system. 

That interest over time increases and engages you positively. 

As a Life Purpose Coach, I still take time to access my belief and see which one isn't serving me well to establish a new one. 

In the last episode, Mindset: The Tug of war, I remember giving you four tips on establishing an Abundance mindset. If you haven't listened to it, please check it out. 


What influences you to stay stuck in that negative belief. Is it the movies you watch, the company you keep, the things you read?

You have to do a self-audit in yourself to see what exactly is keeping you stuck. 

The more you stay planted in that negative environment, the more your mindset gets corrupted. 

A corrupted trunk cannot stand the storm of life or the scorching heat from the sun that is always burning you up.

You want to replant yourself in suitable soil with the right influences by digesting the proper materials, consuming the right food and listening to or reading the right materials. 

These items restore you and preserve you also protect your asset. 

Now let me ask you a personal question. 

Why do we update our cell phones, computers but refuse to update our mindset?

Why do we protect our cell phones with software, passwords, protect our properties with insurance but yet we refuse to protect the core of our being? Our mind?

Wrap up

You can be Leah wherein you are always on the run looking for protection. 

Or you can be Mitch, wherein you train yourself to be strong, intelligent, wise and tactical if you choose.

You can become something greater than who you are today because thats who you are designed to be. 

I hope you enjoyed this episode; kindly give me a shoutout on your social media feed by sharing this podcast with your community and network. 

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Mental Toughness with Paul Martins


Mindset-The Tug of War