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4 Perks of Having An Accountability Partner

Photo credit: @kobuagency

I never knew what an accountability partner was until I had my experience with one. It gave me this push that’s now on autopilot. 

I have never driven an airplane, except in video games like GTA V. Yes, I sure know what autopilot feels like for the past months as I have been attaining new heights all round my life.

My mentor happened to be my accountability partner. I was super lucky to have an all-in-one mentor. Every day, I would send my mentor three goals I want to smash for the day while she does the same.

For example;

By the end of the day, we score the goals over three(3) based on the performance for each goal.

Seeing the result of your accountability partner will keep you on your toes the same way you have your boss waiting for a report at the end of the day in the office. 

Even though you are an entrepreneur, you understand how important it is to push yourself because your bills aren't smiling. 

Let's look at four(4) perks of having an accountability partner;

1. Fast-forward your progress

If you are skillful at taking the initiative, having an accountability partner will cause you to accelerate even more. 

If you aren't a self-starter, having an accountability partner will help you start and get into momentum. 

I owe the success in my coaching business to my mentor, a mastermind group and the Tribe of coaches (a secret agent coaching group) I belong to. 

2. No judgement 

Of course, there are days I have "0" straight on my goals either due to busy schedules or just laziness: either way, no judgement. 

You will be surprised that you are often pushing your partner to do more, especially when your goals score average is 2. 3. 2. 

You realize that they are also struggling like yourself; therefore, you shouldn't judge yourself badly.

3. Companionship

I understand how much you like procrastination or feeling lazy to get some things done. 

You might have little willpower, but having an accountability partner gives you hope, courage, strength and the resilience to push forward. 

You feel confident that you aren’t alone in this journey.  

4. Spot blind spots

Your accountability partner gets to see some of the blind spots you are not aware of. These blind spots can be habits that are hindering you from achieving goals or resources you might need to do better. 

Either way, spotting them is one of the best ways of getting them solved if you choose. 

Wrap up

Of course, there are many other reasons for having an accountability partner. You can read some here Why you should have an accountability partner.

I thought I should share some of the perks I enjoyed while I had one. Currently, my accountability partner is my partner. 

I know you might be wondering who would/could be your accountability partner or how you can get one. 

Have you had an accountability partner?

If you have never had one, are you interested in having one?

I will share with you how to get an accountability partner in my next post on Friday.