Turn On Yourself By Going Offline
Montmorency Falls-Quebec
You are missing a million light-years passing by without your knowledge because you stay plugged into your phone.
You are growing apart from your partner, suppressing the emotions you need to show to your children, your friends and becoming alien to yourself.
I have been reading Jim Kwik's Book Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. In the book, he talks about the four digital horsemen.
Eric Tian explains it in simple ways in his article The Four Digital Horsemen. Kindly visit this page to read more.
Digital deluge: We have too much to process. We get tired.
Digital distraction: We are too connected in a noisy digital environment. We are unhappy and cannot focus.
Digital dementia: We are relying too much on technology. We get dumber.
Digital deduction: There are too many opinions. We cannot think for ourselves.
I want us to focus on the first "Digital deluge".
On July 1st, I took a trip to Montreal and then Quebec City. I drove more than 10hrs exploring different places, breathtaking landmarks, seeing the country and recharging my human-ness.
It dawned on me how much I have genuinely missed living.
It's one thing to be alive. It's another thing to be living.
I wasn't active online, except few occasions. Living this way for about 4 days gave me an embraced feeling I couldn't explain.
I realized how much I didn't care about posting or commenting. All I cared about was my adorable fiancee, my family, my life, my sanity.
The online world is full of noise to be noticed. I had to redefine my reason for staying online, i.e. to impacts the world, not to change the world. (Impact is my intention, change is up to you)
With that said, I got turned on. I decided to pride my sanity, personal growth above all. What does that look like?
Actively listen
Sunday for Sabbath
Take my devotions a lot more seriously.
Purposefully use technology (learn, connect, practice, grow)
On my return from this trip, there was a noticeable change in how calm, patient and present I have become.
I am happy to expand my personality, and you can do the same.
Wrap Up
We all battle with these four horsemen all the time, especially as technology has come to stay. You can choose to hit the pause button.
Here is what you can do;
Identify one horseman that is ruining your life.
Become aware of how it is ruining your life and what you can do to reduce its effect.