Don’t Lie to Your Dreams
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Hey you, did you dream last night?
I find myself daydreaming and dreaming at night. The exciting part of dreaming is acting on it.
Closing my eyes and reflecting on the steps I made, the fears I overcame, the things I learnt and the excitement of fulfilling one aspect of my dreams.
I believe dreams weren’t given to us for free private IMAX experience, it was given to us as a gift should we choose, use it to upscale our lives.
Dreams can be used to get solutions for complex issues. Some of the outrageous inventions in the world were made out of dreams.
Have a look at 9 inventions inspired by dreams
What are you dreaming about?
Who told your dreams are impossible?
What is holding you down from living your dream?
How can you break free?
Setting up this website all by myself, going through rigorous training to attain a life coaching certification among other numerous businesses in life was an audacious dream. Today I get to connect with you because I chose to act on my dream.
“You, you may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you will join us
And the world will be as one
-John Lennon”
Are you acting on your dreams?
Yesterday I watched a documentary titled Dreamers. I was blown away from the fearless dreams today icons have and now living that dream.
Below is one in a lifetime video you must watch of Jessica Cox the world's first licensed armless pilot, as well as the first armless black-belt in the American Taekwondo Association.
I have come to realise only a few of us get to live our dream. No one is stopping you except you.
Don’t let anyone intimidate you out of your dream. You need to let them know your dream is your property and your dreams activate others to dream as well. Just because they don’t dream doesn’t mean you should stop dreaming.
“No one owns your head. Therefore, you are entitled to your dream and living your dream. ”
You cant accomplish your dreams if you don’t understand your purpose.
Purpose makes you fearless.
Purpose is what makes you set sail.
Purpose keeps you focused to actualise your dreams.
My dream is to work with you in building the blueprints that enable you to actualise your dreams.
Action Plan for the week:
Take time to reflect on this and answer honestly;
Is where I am today, where I desire to be years ago?
Was there a time I dreamt of something and it came to pass?
What’s stopping me from living my dreams?
Do I know the next step to take in actualising my dreams?
Who do I need to assist me to my next steps and define my purpose?
What’s stopping me from contacting major pane😊?
Stay true to yourself. Keep growing and glowing.
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