3 Ways to Invest in People
Paul Newton and beloved friends at Balmy Beach Park
How interested are you investing in others?
For me though, I am 100% interested in investing in others more reason why Life Coaching is a lifestyle, not just a business.
Whenever I think about the investments that have been made into my life from the likes of family, friends, mentors, community (government programs), i start to question “What are people doing about this topic investing in others?”.
What I see most times are people complaining unknown they are the solution to these complex societal issues. If only they can activate themselves.
“How can you activate yourself if you don’t have the right components to do so? - Major Pane”
Lets take a deep dive into 3 ways we can invest in someone today;
1. Emotional investment
How interested are you in watching someone grow and glow?
You shouldn’t be the kind of person who withholds opportunities from someone because you don’t want them to do better or be better than you. Our goal is to bring out the best in others.
Sometimes I imagine those who had invested in the likes of globe changers like Isaac Newton, Thomas Edison…especially the free snack they ate from that lovely baker who lives just down the street.
You have no idea how much your hello means to someone, your call, text, smile, a word of encouragement.
There should be a desire within you that sparks when you see other people excel.
2. Psychological investment
Mentally speaking, you can invest in someone by brainstorming with them on goals they need to set for themselves or ways they can attain achievement.
Gift books, introduction to resources, networks you know will be helpful to them.
My mentor last year gifted me the half fee for Global Leadership Summit 2020. This was one of the countless resource and investment she has made in my life.
She took me through an in-depth process of outlining my goals for the next 25 years of my life through her program Top 25 you can check it out. She is having a session coming up in September for women. Register here: Registration form
I am excited to say having gone through this training, I could see the path I needed to follow, the resources I needed and the outcomes I wanted.
This blog, my life coaching career is one of the outcomes.
3. Spiritually investment
As a man burning for Christ and excited to do his will. I am always stuck on looking at thing spiritually.
Do you pray for your loved ones, friends, enemies?
“Luke 6:27-30
27 “But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, 28 bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. ”
Not until we intentionally, purposefully practise love, care for others, the change we desire to see in the society wouldn’t emerge.
Check out an IG TV post i made on Investing in yourself
What does your investment do?
1. It gives people a platform to do more: People feel guilty when they don’t measure up to your expectation. Investing in someone awaken their desire to step up and take ownership of their lives.
2. Impacts society: That one individual whom you have invested in can be the next inventor who wouldn’t have attained that height if not for your investment. This has a ripple effect in making society a better place.
3: It brings out the best in you: You can’t give from an empty vessel. Before you invest in someone, you are forced to invest in yourself. The more you desire to invest in someone, the more you are pushed to invest in yourself
4. You enjoy mutual benefit: You can’t draw from an empty well. Investing in someone is you filling their lives with great things. When you are empty, its easier to draw energy, motivation from them.
Warp up
There is a great depression going on because people are either trying to draw from wells they haven’t filled or they are expecting people to invest in them. Break the chain by investing in people.
How have you been investing in people, how do you intend investing in people? Let me know your thoughts.
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