Read from the Major Pane Desk
Activating An Irresistible Dominance
There is a desire to be loved, liked, adored, cared for, wanted and needed. The list goes on and on. Interestingly, as you chase this desire, it often eludes you.
You begin to wonder if, truly, it was a great idea chasing after it. Suddenly doubts fill your mind, followed by rage.
What if you are trying too hard. What if you are expecting too much? Take some time to chill in these thoughts.
There is beauty in knowing who you are and staying that way in situations when you aren't recognized, praised or adored.
Turn On Yourself By Going Offline
You are missing a million light-years passing by without your knowledge because you stay plugged into your phone.
You are growing apart from your partner, suppressing the emotions you need to show to your children, your friends and becoming alien to yourself.
I have been reading Jim Kwik's Book Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life. In the book, he talks about the four digital horsemen.
3 Ways To Stay Authentic In A Crazy World
I get messages from people telling me how nice and patient I am, and they seem to wonder where I get my energy or inspiration from to stay authentic. Of course, there are days I struggle. Sometimes, I want to activate “operation mean mode” but to what end? I ask myself.
The truth is I am deeply rooted in my Christian faith which compass my actions, thoughts, behaviour. Here are three insights I want you to have for you to stay authentic in a crazy world.