Read from the Major Pane Desk

Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

Don't Betray Your Inner Citadel

We hear stories and legends about the fortification of Castles and mansions. As a child, either at your father/mother's lap or granny's hands, you look forward to those stories that involved knights and knives. 

Your imagination played how the conquest looked, how the taking over of the Kingdom happened either from the outside or surprisingly from the inside.

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Major Pane Major Pane

The Strength in Weakness

Most people think admitting to being tired, stressed, weak, vulnerable is foolish. We live in a society where self-deception is confused for self-confidence.

The truth is that not admitting your weakness makes you weaker.

Admitting weakness itself makes you realize you need help; you need to search for strength. A source of strength might not be far from you. Permit yourself by saying; I am weak; I won’t remain weak forever.

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Major Pane Major Pane

How to Face your Fears

Excuses not only hinder us from our goals but makes us under-prepared for further life obstacles. Attacking one of your fears will give you the confidence to deal with the other fears in your life.

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