The Strength in Weakness
I am proud of the decision I made this day. I took my family on a mini-vacation to Niagara.
Most people think admitting to being tired, stressed, weak, vulnerable is foolish. We live in a society where self-deception is confused for self-confidence.
“Not admitting your weakness makes you weaker.- Major Pane”
Admitting weakness itself makes you realize you need help; you need to search for strength. A source of strength might not be far from you. Permit yourself by saying; I am weak; I won’t remain weak forever.
How to convert your weakness to strengths
1. Own your weakness
I own my fault. I am not the brightest or smartest person. I have my weakness. My weakness is what makes me special, different, fabulous, and unique. I get to empower myself by calling my weaknesses “Competencies”.
There will never be Major Pane if not for my weakness. I was going through a significant issue at my 9-5 work due to a rocky stage in our project. My strengths were no match to the challenge, and my weakness got amplified. In this scenario, I got a chance to create a competence development plan that made me analyze my shortcomings and appoint different activities, materials, and people I needed to convert my weaknesses into strengths.
Your weakness might come as a result of childhood traumas, limitations, physical disabilities or otherwise. Own it, don’t fight it accept it.
Download your copy of the Major Pane Competence Development Plan
2. Realize that weaknesses and strengths have their seasons
We have an abundance of food today because the weather across the globe is different. When I was in Africa, Nigeria, I witnessed just two seasons (raining seasons and dry season). Now I am in North America; I am experiencing four seasons (summer, falls, winter and spring).
If I were to be a crop and grow all year round in Nigeria, I wouldn’t grow in some seasons here in North America except for the summer season.
There are external factors beyond our control that make us weak.
Your strengths can diminish by the people you have around you.
Once you recognize the source of your weakness, it is easier to address it. But you have to be weak at first for your eyes to be opened. So don’t blame yourself for being weak. Ask yourself, “What is this teaching me?”
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A 4-week self-development Coaching Experience that makes you break grounds for personal discovery, define your purpose and create an unshakable legacy.
3. Too many strengths with an absence of weakness kill you slowly
Sun and rain create a bountiful harvest. Imagine this scenario;
Take rainy days as weakness or bad days
Sunshine for strength or better days
Grown crops as a reward
A place with limited sunshine or rain experience limited harvest. It is the same way with us; if it is all bright days, happy moments 24/7, you will burn out and likely to run out of inspiration.
But when the weather suddenly gets cloudy, dark and lonely, you might feel unhappy or depressed, but what you do to keep yourself alive, warm is what matters most when the sun comes out.
Do you need to have a weakness? YES!
With the invention of climate-controlled facilities, crops can grow all year round in some parts of the world with limited sunshine and rainfall. These folks were able to come up with strategies for their weaknesses.
Your weakness is an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself
Your weakness makes you connect with other people easily because you realize you all have something in common
Your weakness amplify your limitations
Your weakness enlightens you on how to stretch yourself beyond the limit
Wrap up
I told a friend that I have gotten to this level that managing problems and complexities is interesting because I am feeding my weaknesses and converting them to strengths. This way, nothing can take me by surprise.
True happiness is not in being happy 100%. It is being realistic about your expectations, admitting your weaknesses, knowing what’s within your control and sometimes just not feeling anything.
There is strength in your weakness. Own it.
I invite you to register for Define your Purpose Coaching Experience.
A 4-week self-development Coaching Experience that makes you break grounds for personal discovery, define your purpose and create an unshakable legacy.
Check out the "True Memoir of Major Pane"
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