What To Do When People Don't Support You

Paul Newton aka Major Pane

Emily and Susan are close friends to heart. Susan knew the exact way Emily likes your bowl of rice served. Emily is highly confident that Susan can catch a grenade for her. 

Emily started a business, and she expected Susan to support her either by referrals or patronage since Susan is like her bread and butter. 

For unknown reasons, Susan doesn't show interest. Emily's emotion is fractured. Shortly, she noticed a slight split has built up in the friendship. 

Imagine yourself in Emily's situation; what will you do? Your business not only needs your full attention, but you are losing a friend; you also need support to keep your business running. 

Here is what you need to know;

You might say your friend(s) is jealous of your business, but how about it is something else that they don't know how to engage with it. (Ever thought about that?)

They might not be your ideal customer, or they have no idea how to support you. 

You will agree with me that you also have friends who you don't get to support their business, not because you don't like them but because it's not just your cup of tea. 

Side note: I urge you to show interest and ask them questions. You don't want to be like Susan. 

Tell yourself this;

I can only see my vision. I can only be excited about it.

They can't see my vision, so I have to invite them into it. 

It's tough for anyone to see 100 miles ahead from the ground. Therefore, an elevated platform is needed. You stand at an elevated level in your vision. You'd need to explain every detail to the world. 

What should you do?

Alongside your explanation is your "Why" (Purpose)

  • Why are you passionate about your vision?

  • What do you stand to lose if you don't chase this vision? Why?

  • How will your why impact the world, and why are you the best person for your vision?

Shockingly, you might expect someone else to be more excited about your vision, and when they aren't, you think they failed you.

Don't fail yourself. Soak yourself deep into your "Why." 

Limit Your Expectations;

Expectations are one of the factors that ruin your joy and keeps you in a wonderland. It would be best you realize that everyone is busy and distracted by their wants and daily pursuit.

According to Craig Groeschel in the Global Leadership Summit 2020, he stated;

  • The "Why" disarms the critics: a clearly communicated why might convert the critics and make them believers

  • The "Why" educates the bystanders: they see how they play a role in your vision

  • The "Why" empowers the advocates: those who are with you and for you get the facts/data needed to support you.

As social beings, we make informed choices. What people want from you is sufficient information before they can engage with you. Information can come in various forms, ways, content etc. 

The goal is for you not to give up on yourself because if you do, there is nothing left of you for anyone to hold onto. 

Wrap up

Please don't wait for anyone before you move, act, accomplish your definition of greatness because it's only you that knows the vision you have for yourself. 

If your progress is offending someone else, they just clearly showed you that your train is moving too fast, and the earlier you kick them off the train, the earlier you save your train from someone's puke. 

In that fast train, you will see those willing and ready to stand beside you, make an effort to understand your dreams, show concern, and be present to you. 


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