Read from the Major Pane Desk

Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

Don't Betray Your Inner Citadel

We hear stories and legends about the fortification of Castles and mansions. As a child, either at your father/mother's lap or granny's hands, you look forward to those stories that involved knights and knives. 

Your imagination played how the conquest looked, how the taking over of the Kingdom happened either from the outside or surprisingly from the inside.

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Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

7 Unimaginable Reasons Why Good Guys Attract the Wrong Partner

There are many reasons as to why this social mathematics usually doesn’t favour good men. Most times, good men are the ones who set themselves up for this inevitability.

I have witnessed the failures of a good man. The best thing was that I had my hands tied to my pen, noting down every lesson and teaching myself how to transcend these natural laws.

I evolved into who I am today due to the repetition of painful patterns I decided to break.

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Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

Activating An Irresistible Dominance

There is a desire to be loved, liked, adored, cared for, wanted and needed. The list goes on and on. Interestingly, as you chase this desire, it often eludes you. 

You begin to wonder if, truly, it was a great idea chasing after it. Suddenly doubts fill your mind, followed by rage. 

What if you are trying too hard. What if you are expecting too much? Take some time to chill in these thoughts. 

There is beauty in knowing who you are and staying that way in situations when you aren't recognized, praised or adored.

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