24 - The Challenges New Immigrant Men Face in Canada

Welcome to Part 1 of a three-part "The Immigrant Man" series.

I got inspired to start this series because I see many new immigrant men starting life afresh in Canada with multiple barriers and wrong information. 

As a newcomer who has been in Canada for 5 years, I understand the dangers of culture shock, the feeling of missing your friends and loved ones. 

Other times new immigrant men might question their choice of relocating to Canada and fear the unknown future that awaits them. 

If that is you, you aren't alone. 

I thought that since I am already into men's coaching, I should provide some beneficial resources and guides to newcomer men alongside the other allies who are doing so.

I got to interview my new immigrant friend Jerry to build a realistic persona. The answers I got from him validated some of my challenges when I immigrated. 

Some of the challenges identified were;

  • loneliness

  • difficulty purchasing African food

  • building community

  • uncertainty

  • unaware of where to purchase winter clothing

  • job search

  • understanding Canadian women etc.  

The data I got from the interview enabled me to create, publish and promote a well-researched blog post titled "The Winter Guide for New Immigrants in Canada." 

In this episode, I analyzed 6 challenges that new immigrant men face. Some of these challenges might be off your radar, but they bring clarity to new immigrant men's challenges as they resettle.

I am launching a program for New Immigrants who have been in Canada for Months to 5years.

Newcomer Mentorship

here are 6 challenges that new immigrant men are facing

Major Pane Intl is officially creating content and providing coaching services for New Immigrant men through the Newcomer Mentorship program.

The goal is to help newcomer men;

  • Build their confidence

  • Establish a community

  • Create a dynamic social media presence

  • Manage their time like a boss

  • Job search like a boss

  • Reestablish practical values and belief system

  • Understand the Canadian culture

  • Learn social cues

  • Attain an enlightened relationship in Canada

Your Website Title

25 - How New Immigrant Men can Improve Their Mental Health


23 - The Winning Perspectives To Build Long-Lasting Relationships