Fill Your Love Vault: Don't Get Love Broke
Major Pane & His partner at Scarborough Bluff
In my last video, Love Literacy Part 1, at 4:33, I mentioned that “Love is a social currency where you get to fill up your love account as though it is a financial account.”
When there seems to be chaos, Love isn't what some people want to hear. Humanity enjoys themes around being saved from distress, good prevailing over evil, love conquering all, etc.
I take a stand to do the needful by promoting love, good, happiness, hope, light, hence why my new favourite colour is white.
Why do I care about men?
I care about the men of my generation because they are getting their masculine notions, principles and frameworks from baseless sources.
I wish they could do the work than expecting the work to the done for them.
I am not here to change men but I am here to give them the tools they need to build/change themselves.
Now is the time;
Now is the time many hearts are ready to feel the theme of Love rather than war.
Now is the time many ears are starving to hear the words Love
Now is the time many eyes are aching to see what Love looks like
Now your eyes are reading this article, pay attention to what your heart is seeking for "how can you create a love vault." It's simple.
Understand that you are responsible for generating Love for yourself/by yourself
You can't teach a man how to love, you can only share the result of Love, and he will do the needful to practice Love.
The Bible says; Love your neighbour as yourself, meaning that you sure must have to love yourself before you love your neighbour.
Absent of Love for self will result to hate for another.
Remember, broken people, break things.
See Love as a social currency
The same way you work to save and spend money is the same way you need to work to generate Love, save it and spend it.
If you don't have enough Love in your love vault, you would be on a deficit, and when you are called upon to dispense some love, you'll be angry for being Love Broke.
Love Broke Symptoms
Getting irritated unnecessarily over your responsibilities such as paying bills, addressing up issues, delegating responsibilities, giving assurance etc.
Not making enough time for yourself/ not enjoying your alone time.
Seeking validation from society.
Poor mental health
Unrealistic expectations from family, friends, partner
Escapism: Distracting self from real issues/responsibilities
The list goes on and on.
Wrap up
Next week, I will be sharing how to Generate Love in Part 2 of Love Literacy, and I want you to pay attention to the 7 ways you can do this.
If you arent aware of my online course, Unravel Your Uniqueness, kindly check it out.