Purpose Realign Your Choices
Ana Mariel Aquino with a Starbucks cup (photo by Major Pane)
We are currently living in an uncertain time. One inevitable thing is the choices we make as they determine the result we get. These results either evoke happiness, sadness or indifference.
When you define your purpose, you realize that life is beyond the present and more on eternity. This awakening suddenly makes you more aware of your choices.
This awareness position you to be more careful about approaching issues, especially when folks try to offend you—your desire for peace increases due to your futuristic vision.
Knowing your purpose gives you an advantage in living a higher life. While people see success as a destination, you see success as a state of being, a journey, an experience.
Having a crystalized mindset that's purpose-driven will make you place a high premium on relationships and character.
Through you, people's purpose gets evoked.
In what way can you activate people's purpose today?