Read from the Major Pane Desk
One Specific Mistake Men Should Avoid
Distractions are in different shades and sizes. One common excuse men make is that they have to work hard for their families. Given that this is expected, they forget that being present with their wives and kids is part of the equation.
Being physically present and emotionally absent equates to you not being present.
You might be unavailable today, but what happens when you need their attention or presence tomorrow? They would likely replicate what you have modelled for them
Unique Masculinity: The Cure to Gender-Based Violence
What makes a man abuse a woman?
The answer is simple "Power."
The measure of a man is what he does with power - Plato.
Men are naturally stronger than women physically. If the man has an economic advantage, he is likely also to exhibit power over the finances of his home or relationship.
What you do with your power as a man is what differentiates between abuse and empowerment.
Religiously speaking, from a Christian lens, we believe that the man is the head. We are quick to quote Ephesians 5: 22, "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife..."
Don't Betray Your Inner Citadel
We hear stories and legends about the fortification of Castles and mansions. As a child, either at your father/mother's lap or granny's hands, you look forward to those stories that involved knights and knives.
Your imagination played how the conquest looked, how the taking over of the Kingdom happened either from the outside or surprisingly from the inside.
7 Unimaginable Reasons Why Good Guys Attract the Wrong Partner
There are many reasons as to why this social mathematics usually doesn’t favour good men. Most times, good men are the ones who set themselves up for this inevitability.
I have witnessed the failures of a good man. The best thing was that I had my hands tied to my pen, noting down every lesson and teaching myself how to transcend these natural laws.
I evolved into who I am today due to the repetition of painful patterns I decided to break.