Read from the Major Pane Desk

Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

Fill Your Love Vault: Don't Get Love Broke

In my last video, Love Literacy Part 1, at 4:33, I mentioned that “Love is a social currency where you get to fill up your love account as though it is a financial account.”

When there seems to be chaos, Love isn't what some people want to hear. Humanity enjoys themes around being saved from distress, good prevailing over evil, love conquering all, etc. 

I take a stand to do the needful by promoting love, good, happiness, hope, light, hence why my new favourite colour is white.

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Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

Masculine Redesign: Steps to Becoming a Sweet Wine

When was the last time you saw someone complaining about maltreatment a guy is giving to his girlfriend, yet the complainer is going home to hurt his very own partner?

Did you call him out for hurting his partner? Yet, you two might sit and have a fully served conversation about how the other person mistreats his lady.

Multiply this perception across different sectors. You'd realize that we all are guilty of some of the decline we get to complain about.

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