Read from the Major Pane Desk

Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

How Single Mothers Can Raise Responsible Men

Undoubtedly, everyone needs a father and mother to teach them the ways of life. A father and a mother possess different worldviews and experiences that can help shape a child into a world wonder or none other. 

I keep hearing of a cheap excuse from some toxic men saying that they are such a disappointment to themselves because they didn't have a father. 

I also hear some single moms place this reason in the front yard of their lives, claiming victim and never accepting that they had all it takes to raise a responsible man who would make a difference in society. 

Every time I see a single mother, the first thing that comes to my mind is that "she is the mother of many nations." Her son will rise to wipe off her tears, heal her sorrows and build a home she'd be proud of. 

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Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

Unique Masculinity: The Cure to Gender-Based Violence

What makes a man abuse a woman?

The answer is simple "Power." 

The measure of a man is what he does with power - Plato. 

Men are naturally stronger than women physically. If the man has an economic advantage, he is likely also to exhibit power over the finances of his home or relationship. 

What you do with your power as a man is what differentiates between abuse and empowerment.

Religiously speaking, from a Christian lens, we believe that the man is the head. We are quick to quote Ephesians 5: 22, "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife..." 

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Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane Unravel Your Uniqueness Major Pane

A Man’s Guide To Understanding International Women

When I was in Nigeria, as an African man, if a girl smiled at me, I would take that as an invitation to a conversation; when she looked straight into my eyes, that was more than an invitation. 

I don't think I am weird to feel this way because, as Nigerians, we aren't taught how to look at people in the eyes unless we have that awestruck butterflies for that person. 

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